All you Need to Know about ADAS and why it’s Cool

Reports of Google testing its new driverless car has been in the news recently. Not too long ago the company tested their driverless car by letting it navigate around town with a real person perched in the driver’s seat. The car was able to navigate through the winding streets successfully and without incident. To push it to the limits, the Google driverless car also reportedly drove through a car wash since the person inside was some sort of thrill seeker. But the important news here is that driverless cars are here and it’s not before long that this newest technology will be just as much a part of our lives as the coffee machine or the toaster.

These driverless or autonomous cars work with the help of multiple sensors which are placed all round the car and keep it from slamming into any objects. Even the ones which attempt to approach the car from the sides.

The car-ish controls which are responsible for making it work, is known as the ADAS which means, “Advance Driver Assistance Systems.” The use of ADAS is rapidly fueling the evolution of these autonomous cars, and in turn is transforming the way people drive in their vehicles.

The ADAS, that was at one time exclusively the toys of high end clients and the most expensive cars is now making its way to the masses and are making their way to the mid-range and economy vehicles as well. Apart from that governments are also now passing special laws that make the use of the ADAS system the standard equipment for vehicles. Legislation has already been passed in some cities of America, which makes the use of autonomous technology legal. And by the looks of it, it won’t be before long that the driver less car will be sitting in our garage waiting to drive us somewhere.

The bottom line is that we need the newest technology when it comes to computer intensive systems that can help us with surround view, autonomous emergency braking and let’s be honest, pedestrian detection. The truth is that self driving cars and technology like the ADAS is crucial because of its self-preservation instinct, which works both ways.

Ending Note

Let’s not forget that driving a vehicle or getting hit by one is still one of the most common ways of meeting your creator, no matter where you live. And despite the fact that cars are nowadays safer than ever, the use of cutting edge technology like the ADAS is what will ultimately keep us from swerving in terror and then crashing anyway.

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