Magnesium Liquid and Gels

Magnesium helps our body detox which helps prevent cardiac arrest and stroke. It helps metabolize nutrients and convert them into energy. It helps create DNA, and regulates the release of parathyroid hormone. There are also possible benefits to bone health and depression. Many of us do not get enough magnesium in our diet so we are going to look at both magnesium liquid and magnesium gel.

Ways to get more magnesium

The obvious way is through your diet, but even then most of us will never get the amount of magnesium we need. The other way is through supplements

Magnesium Supplements

• The minimum amount needed for magnesium is about 300 mg a day

• Most people benefit from 400 to 1,000 mg a day

• Magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate are the most absorbable forms

• Magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide are the least absorbable forms and should be avoided, they are generally the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements

• Using magnesium sulfate in a hot bath with Epsom salts is a good way to absorb and get much needed magnesium

• Kidney disease or severe heart disease patients should only use magnesium under the supervision of a doctor.

Magnesium liquid

Liquid is easier to swallow than capsules or tablets. Liquid also absorbs into the blood stream much quicker. If you are having cramps or twitches in your muscles, have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, you could benefit greatly from liquid magnesium.

Magnesium gel

Gel can be applied to the skin after a shower, will help relieve muscle pain from over exercise, has helped some with restless leg, better sleep, spider veins, skin becoming smoothing and fuller looking younger. Those are just a few of the reported benefits of the magnesium gel.

You decide liquid or gel

Whichever you decide, liquid or gels just remember that kidney disease or severe heart disease patients should only use magnesium under the supervision of a doctor. Magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide are the least absorbable forms and should be avoided, they are generally the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements

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