Nano-Technology and the Future of Cell Phones

Haven’t we all wondered when exactly can we expect nanotechnology cell phone, or NanoPhones as they are being referred to commonly, to hit the market? And will this recession slow down innovation for the future?

What most tech enthusiasts need to realize is the fact that the marketplace for these things is highly competitive; and new technologies that become famous overnight may very well become mundane and ordinary only a week later. The entire industry seems to be centered on a form of technological Darwinist approach where only the strongest designs manage to survive. Despite this fact, one does wonder whether it is possible to make predictions about the future of mobile phones.

Not so long ago, the touch screen phones we so commonly use today were a dream. Today, they take up more than 80% of the entire market of cell phones. Apple’s groundbreaking new iPhone demonstrated profoundly the effect that technology can have on any specific industry in a very short period of time.

When you start considering what Smartphones brought you – touch screen that has 3G capabilities, video and picture projectors and a social GPS – you start to realize how small these features are compared to what Nokia may soon be launching into the market. The Finnish company has recently made their plans public knowledge and said they will be creating a transformable cell phone with the help of nanotechnology. The technology will enable the creation of flexible components that are electronic and can morph between shapes. The technology will also be capable of developing artificial intelligence, and keeping itself clean.

The new transformable phone is known as Morph, and it is a joint venture between the Cambridge University and Nokia. This introduces the idea of a phone that is ‘flexible’ in nature and can be morphed into customized shapes. The research centre at Nokia has been reportedly considering ways that could help reinvent the function and form of mobile devices.

Whether this nanotechnology is just another interesting theory that is being discussed or an actual technology remains to be proven. No one exactly knows what the future will hold, and in the world of technology, it is even harder to tell. The implementation of latest technology has a shaky effect on the market and it is hard to predict how well will Nanotechnology be received.

Motorola has also been experimenting with concepts and ideas for the mobile device of the future and Nokia has stated it will be at least seven years before the Morph can actually be bought off the shelves. However, the odds are still doubtful and people still argue how it will actually be nanotechnology.

Currently, nanotechnology development, that has gigantic research costs, is being led by Intel. And even if they do manage to develop something entirely new, there is very less chance it will be available for purchasing anytime soon.

The fact that nano-technological phones, still being a concept that has potential, speaks volumes about how much time there is until the industry is flooded with morphing phones and artificially intelligent mobiles. This means we cannot expect a nanotechnology cell phone anytime soon, and that is certainly a shame. But what’s good is the fact that companies are working hard to improve the prevalent technologies and find newer ways to move away from the tradition mobile device norms.

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