Online Advertising More Specialized Than Ever


There is a lot of inside-baseball talk about where the world of social media is going and how it could affect individuals and large-scale companies. But it is not just the outside world that is looking in. The companies owning and running those social media channels are asking the same questions.

The way Mark Zuckerberg thought of Facebook when he co-founded the company is not the same way he looks at it now. “Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission - to make the world more open and connected.”

Compare that to the vision of Instagram Kevin Systrom who said, I don’t think you should ever start a business and move in a direction where you can’t see it becoming a business.” At another point, he said “Instagram was always meant to be a company.” Making money was a top priority from the beginning.

But how these companies make sure they get the lion’s share of online traffic and advertising revenue? Perhaps through buy shoutouts.And that’s where online sites such as come in.

When you visit the site to buy Instagram shutouts, buy Twitter tweets, but Twitter retweets, or buy revines for all the video clips you want to share through the Vine App, essentially you get tailor-made list of people who are interested in your project. If you are a nature conservationist, when you buy an Instagram shoutout package, the site gives you a predetermined number of pro-nature conservation people to whom you will have access to make a pitch.

But the various platforms in the social media radar need to compete with each other as well. If you use the buy Instagram shoutout technique as a way of increasing your targeted audience, will you have less money to advertise on Facebook? Will you advertise less on Flickr?

Time will tell but race is not over.


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