Renew Life Probiotics Good for Your Digestive System

Turn on the television and you’re bound to see an advertisement for probiotics, but what exactly are probiotics and what do they do for your digestive system?

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are yeast and bacteria for your digestive system. Everyone has yeast and bacteria in their digestive system, the problem is these sometimes become unbalance and lead to issues such as diarrhea, bloating, gas, and IBD ( inflammatory bowel disease). Also research has shown they can help ease the symptoms of other non-stomach issues such as eczema, urinary vaginal health, oral health, and helps in prevention of colds and allergies.

Are there side effects?

There may be mild side effects, which might include gas, bloating, upset stomach, or diarrhea for the first few days when you start taking them. You could also experience allergic reactions. You should stop taking them and speak to your doctor if allergic reaction happens or the side effects last more than 4 or 5 days.

Renew Life

What renew life has been making high quality supplements for more than a decade. At Renew Life we understand that flawless digestive function is not just one single class. All of our products are formulated with the health of the entire digestive system in mind. Our unique ingredients work together with one another to provide a solid foundation for digestive health.

Our products

Renew life probiotics include, kids formula, flora extra care, flora ultra, adult, womens, sour gummies, fizzy drink, and colon care. Each product offers live probiotics, delayed release to make sure more probiotics make it into your digestive tract where you need them. Renew Life probiotic supplements combine high culture counts and multiple strains of good bacteria with delayed-release capsules and our potency guarantee.

Where to get our products

Our products are sold in many health food store, grocery stores like Harris Teeter where there is a pharmacy, and The Vitamin Shoppe all across the US, however if you cannot find one near you, you can also order our products online.

Just remember, if you start using probiotics and the mild effects last more than 4 to 5 days or you have an allergic reaction seek attention for it from your doctor.

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