Settle for the honest agent as you pack your bags

The bags of eagerness, packed all across the country, there is never sufficient room to store everything, while students are about to discover a new life. The tissue boxes are out all over UK as thousands of children begin university life, by moving out of the family home and its comforts and annoyances for the first time. It’s traumatic for parents and children, but getting a grip on the logistical challenges entailed in choosing and moving into a student property can alleviate the suffering. House-hunting is no less than an endurance test, and some think that most agents offer tenants with dingy box-rooms. As soon as the semesters begin, students will have signed up anywhere with a working shower, bed and windows. Students have a rough time, little information is spared about what’s offered for the money, what’s satisfactory and what’s not. Students face the accommodation nightmares but they are needed to be patient until something better comes up.

Some houses are there and some experiences say that the students must be cautious. Places might embarrass the structure of a cardboard box. Dampness could be prevalent in some student houses. Damp house can collapse the ceiling, big gaps can lead the rainwater in, causing everything to mould, a cold damp house may have no heating during winter, that requires frequent fixing, while peeling paint, leaks and crumbling plaster could be other issues. Paying attention to window sills for moisture and extreme condensation is vital too. Hot water and shower pressure, ventilation in kitchen, must be checked. But it’s unfair to be totally sceptical, decent estate agents providing student accommodation Jesmond also exist. Taking calls at any hour is not a problem for them. They do not throw in extra costs wherever possible, and are lucid about rent and finder’s fee. Figures are set out noticeably from the start. student properties jesmond do not let a tenant to be stuck with a debt or lose any money.

Before signing, read the tenancy agreement for student lettings in Jesmond. You are responsible for checking the contract, the rate of rent and the tenancy dates so that you can concentrate on your studies later and focus on the housing details before renting. Your questions should be clear-cut: when will the rent be due? How much is finder’s fees? What’s the deposit and how will I get notified when landlord receives it? Do you charge VAT? What protection do I get if something seems wrong? Who will take care of repairs? Is the house furnished? Typically, the reliable agent will answer all your queries and clear the doubts but never pressurize you.

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