Things to Admit After Driving Google Car

After taking the automobile industry by storm, Google’s self driving car project is looking towards perfecting its technical capabilities. And with Tesla engaged in talks with Google to make the autonomous car a reality, it won’t be before long that we will have these zombie cars zipping all over our roads, and parking their own rear-bumpers in our garages. So, here’s what we know so far about ourselves (and the car) after driving the Google car.

We Text and Booze behind the Wheel

Human beings are a busy lot. With so much on our minds and so much to do, it’s easy to find some of us texting or enjoying a latte while behind a wheel. That’s also when a car accident usually occurs. In the US alone, nearly 30,000 people die in car accidents, the majority of them due to texting, or doing something else when the only thing they should be doing is driving the damn car. The driverless car, in a way will remove the chance of human error, thereby extending our lifespan.

Google’s Self Driving Car is not perfect…Yet!

While the marshmallow shaped car will not strike anyone as being dangerous, it will on the other hand feel a bit too cautious. In recent tests that were carried out by Google, the driverless car drove both slowly and deliberately through obstacle courses. It is also known to screech and brake repeatedly while driving through traffic cones and avoiding other crash tests objects, which is more or less likely to annoy drivers.

So, will it Work?

It is no coincidence that Google’s driverless car was designed to be adorable. In an attempt to disarm other drivers, Google has designed their fleet of driverless cars with a face so it can resemble a living thing. Psychological studies have proven that we are less likely to hurt any inanimate object, or in this case, a car, if it even remotely resembles anything cute, adorable or anything of that ilk. With a maximum speed of 25 mph, and the cuteness to go with it, the Google car is looking to be more of a means to get a person from point A to point B, than race down the highway like a road warrior. So, will it work? Of course it will!

Ending Note

Driverless cars are here, they work and we are going to see a lot of them in the future. The bottom line is that driverless cars are going to change the way we travel around forever so ignore the nay sayers and embrace the future.

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