Vega Sport Protein Products: Before, During and After a Workout


Everyone has tried to stick to an exercise routine because we all know it is good for your health. Many times you end up quitting after a few weeks because your body is just too sore to continue. Another reason is maybe you can’t make it through the whole workout because you are just too tired. You give up thinking you are just too old. Well, think again. Vega Sport protein products are especially formulated for before, during and after your workout. Go to to find out more information or just read on and get the scoop.

Before, during, and after exercise

Vega Sport protein carries a supplement for every phase of training. They have a pre-workout, during workout, and post workout supplement. The pre-workout gives you energy to begin your exercise routine. The during workout supplement is made to replace your electrolytes and prevent muscle cramps. It rehydrates you so you can work harder and longer. Then there is a post workout supplement for the recovery period that helps you recharge, replenish, and repair so you can do it all over again quicker. Some of the newer products have added Saviseed which is a source for tryptophan which is instrumental for serotonin production. Serotonin is the feel good hormone that will let you stay motivated and hopefully keep you wanting to exercise.

How do you take it?

The Vega protein comes in drinks, smoothies and bars for convenience. They even have an endurance gel that you can suck out of a package that is full of electrolytes and vitamins. It gives you instant energy to survive through your workout. They are all plant based proteins and come in a variety of flavors. The drinks are available in regular and sugar-free variety.

All of these and many other types of supplements and nutrients are available at They are the biggest national supplement company in Canada. They have built quite a reputation as being a customer service company and have over 300 customer referrals. Check out their website and pick out some of the hundreds of natural supplements they have to offer.

For More Information:


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